Tom Loynachan

(pronounced "law-na-cun")Loynachan with Microscope

First Name: Thomas
Nickname: Tom
Last Name: Loynachan

Job Title:  Professor

Employer:  Iowa State University

I received my Ph.D. in Soil Science

Degrees received:


Iowa State University



Iowa State University



North Carolina State University



Loynachan teaches in the areas of soil/plant and environmental microbiology and researches the rhizobia and mycorrhizae of soybean.

I consider myself a soil microbiologist. I have a long interest in natural sciences and originally started graduate school in soil fertility. I took a course in soil biology that excited me about the small living organisms of the soil. When the teacher of that course retired, I replaced him at Iowa State, and I have been teaching that course for over 30 years now.

How he got here:

I received my Bachelor of Science Degree from Iowa State University in 1968. I taught Vocational Agriculture at Grinnell, IA only a short time before being drafted into the U.S. Army. After honorable discharge, I received my Master of Science Degree in Soil Microbiology and Biochemistry from Iowa State in 1972 and my Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Soil Science from North Carolina State University in 1975. From 1975 until 1978, I was on the staff as an assistant professor at the University of Alaska doing research on oil-spill remediation.

Current projects:

I am currently working on a book chapter on soil biology intended for the 10-12 grade high school level. We need to excite young people about the importance of soils; for life above ground depends on the soils of the world for food, fuel, feed, and fiber production.

Most interesting thing about his work:

I enjoy working with students…they keep me young (in heart at least). It is great to advise students and be a part of their success stories. You often don’t know the impact you might have on a student until years later when the student tells you about a certain incidence (which you probably forgot long ago).

What he likes best about his job:

Again, working with students is a real joy. I tell my advisees that they should find a job for which they have a passion. Life is too short to get up Monday mornings and dread going to work. I have a great job that I enjoy (and someone is willing to pay me to do it).

The one thing he would change about his job to make it better:

Paperwork is troublesome (but a necessity). The paperwork might be completing student degree audits, writing teaching materials, or working on publications. And, writing exams and grading exams is work!

Advice he gives for succeeding in this field:

Being a college professor is a great job and fairly secure. It you do your job, you probably will continue to have a job. The need to educate future generations will be with us for many years to come. You must like people, enjoy working with people, and take joy in the success of others.

What he likes to do in his free time:

I like to fish, as you can see from the accompanying picture. Also, Jean and I have three great boys and seven great grandchildren. There is no problem in finding something to do during free time.

Loynachan with a fish

Contact Information

Contact Tom for more information about what he does and how you can become a soil scientist:

Tom Loynachan
1126H Agronomy
Ames, Iowa 50011-1010 Office: 515-294-3064
FAX: 515-294-8146