Lessons and Activities Search

We've curated a collection of lessons, hands-on activities, labs, readings, and more - all about soils and topics related to soils – in this searchable database. Some are posted directly by SSSA others we have reviewed and recommend. While they are not officially endorsed, we found them to have high quality materials for lessons and activities at different grade levels. And, you can save items of interest to a custom binder (you’ll need to create an account to access this feature).

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Biology of Soil - Lesson 13 - Careers

Students will identify some of the careers that are related to soil biology.

Next Generation Science Standards

Discipline: Earth and Space Sciences
Core Idea: ESS3.C: Human impacts on Earth systems
Teacher's Guide
Changing Planet: Withering Crops

A video that examines what will happen to crops as Earth's temperature rises and soils dry out because of changing climate. An accompanying activity is linked.

Next Generation Science Standards

Discipline: Earth and Space Sciences
Core Idea: ESS3.D: Global climate change
Sediments and the Global Carbon Cycle

This is a series of exercises to introduce the role of sediments and sedimentary rocks in the global carbon cycle and the use of stable carbon isotopes to reconstruct ancient sedimentary environments.

Next Generation Science Standards

Discipline: Earth and Space Sciences
Core Idea: ESS2.A: Earth materials and systems
Predicting the Effects of Climate Change on Soil Loss

Students analyze changes in precipitation as predicted by climate change models to consider how a changing climate could influence erosion rates in agricultural areas

Next Generation Science Standards

Discipline: Earth and Space Sciences
Core Idea: ESS2.A: Earth materials and systems
Elementary GLOBE Soils Module

Learning activities help students explore and describe soil, consider what is found in soil such as rocks, roots, critters, and organic material, and explain the importance of soil to plants and animals.

Next Generation Science Standards

Discipline: Earth and Space Sciences
Core Idea: ESS2.A: Earth materials and systems
Carbon Cycle

This activity from NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory introduces students to the scientific understanding of the greenhouse effect and the carbon cycle. The activity leads them through several interactive tasks to investigate recent trends in atmospheric carbon dioxide.

Next Generation Science Standards

Discipline: Earth and Space Sciences
Core Idea: ESS2.D: Weather and climate
Arctic Tundra May Contribute to Warmer World

In this audio slideshow, an ecologist from the University of Florida describes the radiocarbon dating technique that scientists use to determine the amount of carbon within the permafrost of the Arctic tundra.

Next Generation Science Standards

Discipline: Earth and Space Sciences
Core Idea: ESS2.D: Weather and climate
Melting Permafrost

This video is accompanied by supporting materials including background essay and discussion questions. The focus is on changes happening to permafrost in the Arctic landscape, with Alaska Native peoples and Western scientists discussing both the causes of thawing and its impact on the ecosystem.

Next Generation Science Standards

Discipline: Earth and Space Sciences
Core Idea: ESS3.C: Human impacts on Earth systems
What's Soil got to do with Climate Change?

A short graphic novel connecting the carbon cycle, soils, and climate change

Next Generation Science Standards

Discipline: Earth and Space Sciences
Core Idea: ESS2.A: Earth materials and systems
Runoff Simulation

An interactive simulation exploring the type of surface and soil type are related to runoff.

Next Generation Science Standards

Discipline: Earth and Space Sciences
Core Idea: ESS2.A: Earth materials and systems
Interactive Website
How can we feed a growing population

Interactive model exploring the impact of agricultural practices on soil erosion.

Next Generation Science Standards

Discipline: Earth and Space Sciences
Core Idea: ESS2.A: Earth materials and systems
Interactive Website
Keeping Soil in Its Place

Students will demonstrate rain drop splash (splash erosion) and determine its impact on bare soil, ultimately being able to identify types of erosion.

Next Generation Science Standards

Discipline: Earth and Space Sciences
Core Idea: ESS2.C: The roles of water in Earth's surface processes
Lab Experiment
Soil Texture Analysis

This is a simple method to estimate the percent of sand, silt, and clay in a soil and determine it's texture.

Next Generation Science Standards

Discipline: Life Sciences
Core Idea: LS1.A: Structure and function
Soil Characteristics Lab

Virtual lab can be modified to suit the users region. Identify various aspects of soils in different regions and compare to soils in the local area.

Next Generation Science Standards

Discipline: Earth and Space Sciences
Core Idea: ESS2.A: Earth materials and systems
Lab Experiment
Envirothon - Resources for Team Advisors Use

This website offers a virtual training for Envirothon coaches covering soils. Provides powerpoints with notes. Also includes information on aquatics, forestry, and wildlife sections of the Envirothon. Powerpoint topics include classification of soils, redoximorphic features and hydric soils, soil consistence, capability classes (slope), erosion, and best management practices (and more).

Next Generation Science Standards

Discipline: Earth and Space Sciences
Core Idea: ESS2.A: Earth materials and systems
Teacher's Guide