Lessons and Activities Search

We've curated a collection of lessons, hands-on activities, labs, readings, and more - all about soils and topics related to soils – in this searchable database. Some are posted directly by SSSA others we have reviewed and recommend. While they are not officially endorsed, we found them to have high quality materials for lessons and activities at different grade levels. And, you can save items of interest to a custom binder (you’ll need to create an account to access this feature).

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Soils Support Recreation

In this SSSA video soils as the base for recreation is introduced along with how soils ensure our recreational water bodies are clean.

Next Generation Science Standards

Discipline: Earth and Space Sciences
Core Idea: ESS3.A: Natural resources
Soils Support Health

This SSSA video demonstrates the role of soil to grow healthy foods, and to provide a source of medicine.

Next Generation Science Standards

Discipline: Earth and Space Sciences
Core Idea: ESS3.A: Natural resources
Soils Support Agriculture

This SSSA video discusses the global food supply, nutrients that come from soil, as well as water for plants/irrigation.
Soils, Culture, People

Soils are everywhere. This SSSA video reveals places where you would least expect to find it, like in art and literature. There are religious and spiritual connections to soil, and soils can even assist in solving crimes.

Next Generation Science Standards

Discipline: Earth and Space Sciences
Core Idea: ESS3.A: Natural resources
Soil "Glue"

In healthy soils, sand, silt and clay particles are held together by "soil glues", or glomalin. This activity demonstrates how these soil glues help aggregates hold together, especially when very wet.

Next Generation Science Standards

Discipline: Earth and Space Sciences
Core Idea: ESS2.E: Biogeology
Lab Experiment
Does Soil Breathe: A Respiration Activity

Though we cannot see respiration, we can observe the result. This simple activity can be used to demonstrate the relative amount of microorganism activity in the soil. Water and a food source are added to the soil, and a balloon is placed on the bottle to collect the carbon dioxide released as the organisms decompose the food source.

Next Generation Science Standards

Discipline: Earth and Space Sciences
Core Idea: ESS2.E: Biogeology
Lab Experiment
Soil is a Filter

Students will discover that soils physically and chemically filter impurities out of water. They will also discover the role of soil in having good drinking water.

Next Generation Science Standards

Discipline: Earth and Space Sciences
Core Idea: ESS3.A: Natural resources
Lab Experiment
Soils Overview Unit Teacher's Guide

The lessons in this Soils Overview Unit provide students with a basic understanding of the fundamentals of soil science through the integration of disciplinary core ideas, science and engineering practices, and crosscutting concepts. The unit includes six sections, each containing learning objectives, background information, student information, selected resources, and ties to the NGSS standards

Next Generation Science Standards

Discipline: Earth and Space Sciences
Core Idea: ESS2.A: Earth materials and systems
Teacher's Guide
Creating a Soil Mini-Monolith

An overview of soil horizons and a description of how to make soil profile cards (mini-monoliths) is provided. Adapted from a USDA-NRCS activity.

Next Generation Science Standards

Discipline: Earth and Space Sciences
Core Idea: ESS2.A: Earth materials and systems
Soil Science In-Service Day Videos and Materials

This SSSA webpage provides all of the content of our one-day in-service, where we "dug" into some of the core concepts discussed in the Know Soil Know Life book and demonstrated hands-on activities for the classroom. Topics include soil basics/formation, soil chemistry, soil biology, soil and climate change, and web resources. Included are videos, PPTs, and activities.
Lab Experiment
Teacher's Guide
Biology of Soil - Lesson 1 - Why Are Soils Important

Students will understand that soil provides anchorage for roots, holds water and nutrients, is home to micro and macroorganisms, filters water, stores carbon, and is a foundation for humans to build and produce food.

Next Generation Science Standards

Discipline: Earth and Space Sciences
Core Idea: ESS2.A: Earth materials and systems
Teacher's Guide
Biology of Soil - Lesson 2 - What is Soil Health

Students will identify characteristics of a healthy soil.

Next Generation Science Standards

Discipline: Earth and Space Sciences
Core Idea: ESS2.A: Earth materials and systems
Teacher's Guide
Biology of Soil - Lesson 3 - How Soil Behaves

Students will understand the characteristics of a healthy soil, including how energy, water, and nutrients cycle through it; healthy soil structures; and the impact of soil textures.

Next Generation Science Standards

Discipline: Earth and Space Sciences
Core Idea: ESS2.A: Earth materials and systems
Teacher's Guide
Biology of Soil - Lesson 4 - Issues of Soil Degradation

Students will understand the issues that can affect soil health and reduce fertility, biodiversity, and/or overall soil health.

Next Generation Science Standards

Discipline: Earth and Space Sciences
Core Idea: ESS2.A: Earth materials and systems
Teacher's Guide
Biology of Soil - Lesson 5 - Plant and Soil Interactions

Students will understand how soils help grow healthy plants, and the various ways plants help maintain healthy soils (including adding organic material and roots creating pore spaces).

Next Generation Science Standards

Discipline: Life Sciences
Core Idea: LS1.A: Structure and function
Teacher's Guide