Magical Microbes

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Description: Could Shewies, a funky bacteria, be a sustainable future clean energy source? This lesson provides an overview of the electrical current created by "Shewies" and how you can use a MudWatt to create a Microbial Fuel Cell.
Grade Levels: 6-8, 9-12
Keywords: shewanella, shewies, electrons, reduced carbon, microbial fuel cell, bacteria
Lesson Area: Soil Biology, Soil Chemistry, Soils and Plant Growth
Resource Type: Activity

Next Generation Science Standards

Grade Discipline Core Idea
6-8 LS1.A: Structure and function All living things are made up of cells. In organisms, cells work together to form tissues and organs that are specialized for particular body functions.
9-12 LS1.A: Structure and function Systems of specialized cells within organisms help perform essential functions of life. Any one system in an organism is made up of numerous parts. Feedback mechanisms maintain an organism's internal conditions within certain limits and mediate behaviors.
6-8 LS2.B: Cycles of matter and energy transfer in ecosystems The atoms that make up the organisms in an ecosystem are cycled repeatedly between the living and nonliving parts of the ecosystem. Food webs model how matter and energy are transferred among producers, consumers, and decomposers as the three groups interact within an ecosystem.
9-12 LS2.B: Cycles of matter and energy transfer in ecosystems Photosynthesis and cellular respiration provide most of the energy for life processes. Only a fraction of matter consumed at the lower level of a food web is transferred up, resulting in fewer organisms at higher levels. At each link in an ecosystem elements are combined in different ways and matter and energy are conserved. Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are key components of the global carbon cycle.
6-8 PS3.B: Conservation of energy and energy transfer Kinetic energy can be distinguished from the various forms of potential energy. Energy changes to and from each type can be tracked through physical or chemical interactions. The relationship between the temperature and the total energy of a system depends on the types, states, and amounts of matter.
9-12 PS3.B: Conservation of energy and energy transfer Systems move toward stable states.
6-8 PS3.D: Energy in chemical processes and everyday life Sunlight is captured by plants and used in a reaction to produce sugar molecules, which can be reversed by burning those molecules to release energy.
9-12 PS3.D: Energy in chemical processes and everyday life Photosynthesis is the primary biological means of capturing radiation from the sun; energy cannot be destroyed, it can be converted to less useful forms.
6-8 ETS1.A: Engineering Design
9-12 ETS1.A: Engineering Design